This is the condition of chronic pain which affects the trigeminal nerve that carries sensation from your face to brain, this is charectrized by intense facial pain that last for few minutes to several hours.
There are many triggering factors which stimulate the pain,this includes eating,shaving even while brushing your teeth.
When the trigeminal nerve get irritated by the contact of a normal blood vessel(artery,vein) it puts pressure on the nerve causing malfunctioning which inturn results in severe pain
According to ayurveda this can be correlated with the condition of anant vata a disorder mentioned in salakyatantra. regarding treatment the condition can be cotrolled effectively by specific ayurvedic panchakarma procedures and special head and eye treatments, along with specially prepared ayurvedic medicines, for getting maximum results the patient need to be admitted in hospital and should undergo strict ayurvedic regims for a minimum time period after consulting with the doctor
If you experience facial pain,mainly prolonged,recurring pain please don’t forget to see the doctor
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